Brother Aelred's expert lead

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Brother Aelred's expert lead

Post by Floris »

voor de liefhebbers van de Abbot-serie:

During a butler session, the pompous abbot was pleased to see the young Brother Aelred approaching his table. "this is our chance to score some imps!", the abbot whispered to his partner. Not much later, the abbot was dealer and faced this collection: (sp) AH84 (ha) HV4 (di) T95 (cl) V85. Since the slightly overweighted abbot played this week with his slim brother, the systematic bid was 1NT 13-15, balanced. This bid ended the auction.

After Brother Aelred led the (cl) 9, the abbot's thin brother laid down his dummy. "I was about to bid Stayman and invite for game. But thinking about your declarer skills, i thought it was better to stay safe", he said. The abbot was not pleased at all by this comment, and was keen to teach his brother a lesson. het faced:

(sp) 9753
(ha) AT62
(di) V73
(cl) HT

(sp) AH84
(ha) HV4
(di) T95
(cl) V85

1NT by south, lead: (cl) 9.

"Your agreements?" informed the abbot. "0dd=encouraging/small promises an honnour" replied East, "but we play for the first time together". The abbot started to plan the play: "five top tricks are there, and the lead develops the 6th, and...wait a minute... probably the 7th! Clearly East has the (cl) AJ of clubs, so playing the ten is out of question. East will insert his J and the king will be a victim to the Ace. How silly of brother Aelred to waste his (cl) 9 for the opening lead! after (cl) 9, (cl) K, (cl) A. (cl) 5, I can finess the (cl) T!"

With the air of a master the abbot ordered the (cl) K from dummy. He was surpirsed when East produced (cl) 6: "what an apalling play!", he thought. "Anyways, this shouldn't take long. There are plenty of options for the seventh trick: hearts can split 3-3, but those can wait. if spades are 3-2, ducking a spade will virtually secure the contract, with hearts and diamonds as opportunities for overtricks."

The abbot played (sp) 3 from dummy, (sp) 2, (sp) 8, (sp) T. Brother Aelred switched to the eight of diamonds. The abott played low, but East won with the Jack and played Ace-King and another diamond. The abbot discarded a spade from his hand, while releasing the (cl) T from dummy. Back came the (cl) 7. The abbot's mouth fell open when Brother Aelred overtook his (cl) 8 with the (cl) J, and successively put the (cl) A on the table! Dropping the Q from declarer, brother Aelred gave up: "too bad partner, i discarded a club on your fourth diamond. Now he is only one down."

this had been the deal:


"you are down in a cold contract", observed the thin brother, "playing the ten in the first trick will bring you home, even with an overtrick since hearts are 3-3." "how on earth should i guess brother Aelread leads the 9 from AJ94!?" exclaimed the abbot. "what do you mean?" responded brother Aelred, "You knew our agreements: odd=encouraging/small promises honour. Remember? my smallest spot was the 4 so I thought the 9 would clear matters for partner."

Aldus geschiedde in de jungle van het district Ijsselstreek afgelopen week.
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Re: Brother Aelred's expert lead

Post by K-J »

Mooi verhaal! :lol:

p.s. Blijkt niet helemaal uit je verhaal, maar je hebt inmiddels door dat (cl) 10 altijd 2 klaverslagen oplevert, ook als oost (cl) B had gehad? ;)
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Re: Brother Aelred's expert lead

Post by Floris »

Don't worry :p
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Re: Brother Aelred's expert lead

Post by Erik »

Leuk verhaal
Dingen simpel houden is vrij moeilijk,
Dingen moeilijk maken daarentegen, is vrij simpel
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